Friday Flick!
Out & About
Lisbon has shops devoted exclusively to canned fish! While this alone may be interesting to a land-locked midwesterner, lo & behold the fab design & packaging. So much fun for a food obsessed design junkie.
To do
I'm dying to get this set up & give it a whirl! Paper
Friday Flick!
I've always dreamed of making shoes... Geology of Shoes
My Elle magazine arrived with a surprise this month. What looked like a more or less normal magazine in the mailbox, turned out to be a pretty great design trick. The Marc Jacobs ad behind the magazine held 2 sample bottles of perfume in a tube running along the spine. Genius!
To Do
I'm so looking forward to seeing this film, the Maestro articulates so much of what I belive design to be & with such authority, bravo. Design is One
Check it out
I love re-purposed old buildings, this is great. the broerenkerk church
Friday Flick!
Autumn has arrived. Forest
Check it out
Let's help out the folks of Appalach. Custom apparel made in the USA y'all! KICKSTARTER Shot by the lovely & talented Todd Crawford
Friday Flick!
Happy Friday
I want one of these now! The Globemaker
Fun Find
From the days of 3 martini lunches, execs and their art. Art In Chicago Business
To Do
I've always had a thing for signage, am looking forward to seeing this: Sign Painters
I'm taking some dance lessons, great to get away from the computer and try something new. Finding myself somehow more motivated & excited about work as a side effect.
Friday Flick!
Emily Fischer and her Constellation Quilt
Good work done for good
I love this project! A Fruitful Life Alfalfa Studio
Buy local and global
I'm not even Greek & I want one of these.
To Do
Art + Fashion, 2 of my favorite things. The Art Institute brings 19th century Paris to Chicago, can't wait. Impressionism, Fashion & Modernity
Art for all
I love whenever advertising/commerce finds a way to intersect with fine art. Lyons Teashop Exhibition